Volunteering your time as a leader for the VPC is a very personally rewarding thing to do. It will enable you to develop your skills to inspire young people to become good citizens.

Whilst most of our leaders come from the policing family, we welcome adults from all walks of life and particularly encourage those without a policing background.

You will undergo vetting to the highest national standards, enabling you to work alongside young people. You will receive training to support you to develop your own knowledge and skillset.

Being a leader will enable you to have a better understanding of British policing and give you opportunities locally, nationally and even internationally in support of social action.

There are opportunities to become a leader no matter how many hours a week / month you are able to volunteer. You do not need any qualifications to become a leader.

FAQs for Leaders


You must be 18 years old. There is no upper age limit. We have many students and retirees who are leaders.


No. We welcome applications from non-policing backgrounds.


Certainly. All leaders, whether from the policing family or outside, are vetted to the appropriate national standards to work with young people. Your vetting will have to be completed prior to you working unsupervised with young people. This will be undertaken by the relevant police force.


No. Some of our leaders are available for a few hours a week, whilst others volunteer once a month or so. It is dependant on your role as a leader. Some leaders attend all the weekly unit meetings whilst others may specialise in, for example, map reading in support of Duke of Edinburgh award once a month.


Yes. Each force provides training for their leaders. The Volunteer Police Cadet team have developed an Adult Volunteer Team Leader course which is available to forces.


Some forces make out of pocket expenses available to Leaders.


Not necessarily. However, it will give you an insight into policing and help you decide whether a career in the police is right for you.


Yes, there may be. Some forces utilise expertise across a number of units. If you have a background in training or administration then a more central role within that force's VPC may be available. If you have a Duke of Edinburgh's qualification, for example, you may wish to share your expertise across the force rather than attend regular uniot meetings.