VPC National Publications of Interest
Below are some useful links and documents if you have any questions regarding these publications please email vpc.admin@vpc.police.uk
Useful link- Mini Police & Cadet research carried out by the Institute Of Public Safety Crime & Justice University of Northampton conducted and written by Dr Iain Britton & Dr Matt Callendar.
VPC Evidence Base reference points
Casey, L. (2016). The Casey Review: A review into opportunity and integration. London: DCLG.
DeMarco, J. Bifulco, A, & Davidson, J. (2018). Volunteer Police Cadets: Expansion, digitalisation and impact.
Great Britain. Cabinet Office. (2017). Race Disparity Audit: Summary Findings from the Ethnicity Facts and Figures Website. London. TSO.
Great Britain. HM Government. (2018). Civil Society Strategy: Building A Future That Works For Everyone. London: TSO.
Great Britain. HM Government. (2018). Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper. London: TSO.
Great Britain. Home Office. (2016). Modern Crime Prevention Strategy. London: TSO.
National Police Chiefs Council. (2016). Child Centred Policing: National Strategy for the Policing of Children and Young People.
National Police Chiefs Council and Association of Police and Crime Commissioners. (2015). Policing Vision 2025.
Scarman, L.G. (1981). The Brixton Disorders: Report of an Inquiry (Cm 8427). London: HMSO.
The Centre for Social Justice. (2018). It can be stopped; A proven blueprint to stop violence and tackle gang and related offending in London and beyond. London: Centre for Social Justice. Retrieved from
Youth United Foundation. (2018). Social Integration: The role of Uniform Youth Groups: Executive Summary. Retrieved from
Youth Violence Commission. (2018). Interim Report. Retrieved from
Volunteers in Policing: a vehicle for increased representativeness in policing? Rogers, C. & Pepper, I. (2022).